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The Renters (Reform) Bill

What is it?

It is a Bill to make provision to change the law about rented homes.

It is a public bill presented to Parliament by Government.

The Bill was Introduced to the House of Commons & given it’s First Reading 17th May 2023

This bill is NOT currently law and has still a long way to go before it (or any version of it) can be introduced (i.e. Until it becomes an Act)


What does the Bill cover?

The Bill includes proposals to: 


·        Abolish Section 21

·        Make all tenancies periodic tenancy. 

·        Reform the grounds for possession. 

·        Introduced a new property Ombudsman scheme that landlords must join.  

·        Introduce an online ‘Portal’ which all landlords must use to register all their properties

 Guide to the Renters (Reform) Bill - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


What Happens Next?


MPs will next consider the Bill at 2nd Reading however no date has been given for this.


The contents of the Bill will be subject to debate in the House of Commons and House of Lords where new clauses can be added, amended, or even removed.


To provide a better understanding of the process the NRLA have produced a short article outlining the likely route the Bill will take before it receives Royal Assent.


Remember this is still at BILL stage and is not law yet – we are a long way of that and even longer off the implementation of some of the more tricker clauses


DASH will be covering the Renter (Reform) Bill at our regular online information session on Thursday 22nd June at 10.30am.  For more details: DASH Services - DASH Online Landlord Information Session - 22nd June 2023 (FREE)

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