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Nottingham City Council - Selective Licensing

Nottingham City Council have gained approval from the Secretary of State to go ahead with a new Selective Licensing scheme for Nottingham which opens on 1 December 2023.

Selective Licensing is a scheme that requires most private rented properties to be licensed. It means that houses need to be licensed where they have one or two tenants or a family living within the designated area.

The Selective Licensing scheme does not cover all areas of the city. It is estimated to cover over 30,000 privately rented homes within the designated Nottingham City Council areas. It is really important that landlords check whether their rented property is in a designated area.

Landlords who have a property which is currently licensed should check whether it will be covered by the new scheme, and if it is they will not need to apply for another licence until the current one expires.

Landlords can use the property postcode to find out if their property is covered by Selective Licensing (current and new scheme) at geoserver.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/myproperty/.

As with the last scheme Nottingham have reduced the cost of the license for landlords accredited via DASH or Unipol.

To apply and find further details of the scheme visit: https://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/qualityhousingforall

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